Thursday, July 6, 2017

Hematuria treatment

The cause of hematuria can be analyzed from whether it is accompanied by other symptoms. Asymptomatic hematuria should first consider the possibility of urinary tract tumors. Hematuria associated with pain, especially with colic should be considered urinary tract stones, such as associated with dysuria and urinary flow interruption, should consider bladder stones, such as with obvious bladder irritation symptoms, then urinary tract infection, urinary tuberculosis and Bladder cancer and so on more common. In addition, should be combined with the patient history, age, hematuria color, degree of hematuria and other reasons to conduct a comprehensive judgment. 1. What are the common diseases of hematuria? 1. Urinary stones: including the kidney, ureter, bladder or urethral calculi. 2. genitourinary infection: such as pyelonephritis, kidney tuberculosis, bladder urethritis, prostatitis and so on. 3. Primary nephritis: including acute and chronic nephritis, focal nephritis, benign acute hemorrhagic nephritis and so on. 4. secondary nephritis: purpura nephritis, lupus nephritis, IgA nephropathy. 5. Genitourinary tumors: kidney tumors, ureteral tumors, bladder tumors, prostate tumors. 6. Other urinary diseases: such as kidney sagging, walking kidney, congenital polycystic kidney and so on. 7. Urinary tract injury: a variety of chemicals or drugs on the kidney damage, sulfa drugs such as hematuria. 2. Which renal hematuria need early treatment Renal hematuria refers to the hematuria from the glomerular, clinically manifested as simple hematuria, or hematuria with proteinuria, more common in primary glomerular diseases, such as IgA nephropathy, mesangial proliferative nephritis, focal kidney Sclerosis, renal cysts, polycystic kidney disease, can also be seen in secondary glomerular diseases such as purpura nephritis, lupus nephritis. If the treatment is not complete, recurrent or wrongdoing, the condition can not be effectively controlled, and ultimately lead to uremia. The pathogenesis of renal hematuria is related to immunity, that is, antigen and antibody complex deposition in the glomerular basement membrane and mesangial area, destruction of glomerular basement membrane filtration barrier, and cause mesangial cells and mesangial matrix hyperplasia, causing Renal hematuria. Many people think that hematuria without treatment, which is very wrong, must be eliminated as soon as possible cause renal hematuria, because the glomerular basement membrane long-term lesions can lead to glomerular sclerosis, causing kidney damage. Therefore, renal hematuria must be early treatment. Third, the Chinese medicine on renal remission of microscopic hematuria Prolonged microscopic hematuria, that is, some of the long observed under the microscope of hematuria, the majority of these diseases are kidney yin damage, phase fire internal movement, burning Yin network. Or bleeding period of time, under the coke from the blood Blood stasis, heat stagnation and heat, and easy to meet, but also Shangyin, to increase the original Yin, Yin deficiency heat, , And wet. Heat stagnation, but also make the disease complex, hematuria is delayed, repeated refractory, should be treated as soon as possible Chinese medicine system. Four. Non-nephritis disease hematuria characteristics and performance 1, renal tuberculosis hematuria: early detection of red blood cells and pus in the urine, followed by urinary frequency, urgency, dysuria and terminal hematuria, patients often have a history of tuberculosis. 2, prostate hyperplasia hematuria: a small number of patients with cystoscopy mucosal rupture caused by blood vessels bleeding hematuria, and sometimes blood block. Urinary frequency is early symptoms? 3, urinary stones hematuria: bladder urethral calculi difficult urination, urination and hematuria, kidney, ureteral stones appear renal colic, such as infection can occur fever, chills and so on. 4, urinary tract tumors caused by hematuria pyelonoma often hematuria, renal cell carcinoma found in 50 to 60% of cases of hematuria. Treatment of 1/4 kidney tumor cases have been advanced. Hematuria characteristics: painless, intermittent whole hematuria, and sometimes can reach the abdomen arsenic block, accompanied by weight loss and so on. Bladder cancer hematuria: the first urinary system in the tumor, hematuria seen in 90% of cases of gross hematuria accounted for 50%, hematuria characteristics: painless whole hematuria, sometimes with terminal hematuria increased, was intermittent in the intermittent easy to give patients Has been cured of the illusion, do cystoscopy can be diagnosed. 5, kidney hematuria: the main symptoms of low back pain, labor and walking intensified, lying down after the disappearance. Urine often appear in varying degrees of hematuria, often combined with hydronephrosis. What are the types of hematuria
Urine is hematuria blood. Doctors will be divided into three kinds of hematuria: 1, gross hematuria, a large number of red blood cells mixed into the urine, the urine was bright red or washed meat, one can identify; 2, microscopic hematuria, the naked eye can not observe the urine bloody, but high power microscope can be found under the red blood cells; 3, urine occult blood positive, measured by the computer urine analyzer urine occult blood positive [urine occult blood (+) is positive], for microscopic examination found red blood cells. 6. Hematuria care and health care 1, hematuria is a serious symptom, the patient is extremely frightened. Should be comfort and explanation with the patient, indicating 1000 ml urine 1 to 3 ml of blood for the naked eye hematuria. Blood loss is not serious. 2, usually develop more drinking water habits. 3, less smoking or not smoking, eat less irritating food. Jifu: fishy, ​​aquatic products (shrimp, crab), pepper, garlic, raw onions, parsley, dog meat, horse meat, donkey meat. 4, active treatment of urinary tract inflammation, stones and other diseases. 5, do dye, rubber, plastic and other tools in the production of protective and health care work. 6, in the ordinary life and work, can not often make the bladder height filling. Feel urinating, that is, to urinate to reduce the urine in the bladder to stay too long. 7, pay attention to work and rest, to avoid strenuous exercise. In short: found that hematuria should be early examination, diagnosis, timely treatment of traditional Chinese medicine system; sometimes difficult to diagnose, to the hospital regularly review.

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