Thursday, July 6, 2017

Is the creatinine high in uremia?

Many patients with kidney disease to get the first report of the report is concerned about whether the high creatinine, because creatinine and uremia is always linked. So, creatinine is high uremia? What is the creatinine? In response to this problem, Beijing Dongcheng Hospital of kidney disease expert Professor Suoyu Fen explained:

Under normal circumstances, the human body's creatinine is divided into endogenous and exogenous, endogenous creatinine is the muscle metabolites, and exogenous creatinine is the daily diet in the consumption of meat after the metabolites, In short, creatinine is the body of metabolites.
So, high creatinine is uremia?
Renal function tests common indicators, there are two, one is serum creatinine, the other is urinary creatinine. Here the commonly used creatinine is the body's serum creatinine, when this value is higher means that the kidneys are being damaged. When the renal function damage to a certain extent, there have been renal failure, when the kidney is late to the uremia, so be sure to pay close attention to the value of serum creatinine, if the detection of high serum creatinine, it is necessary to rush to the regular hospital. In addition, we do not believe in remedies and small clinics, so as not to delay the best treatment period.
The higher the value of serum creatinine, kidney damage is greater, as high as creatinine is uremia do this specific problem, depending on the details of patients, it is recommended that you go to a professional kidney hospital to check, and then according to the doctor's Diagnosis to take the appropriate treatment, in order to obtain the best therapeutic effect.
Suoyu Fen Director pointed out: Many people detect their serum creatinine value in the normal range, they think their kidney function is completely no problem. This is a false understanding of blood creatinine. Because the serum creatinine value and can not be timely and accurate to reflect the status of renal function. When most of the human kidney suffered from pathological damage, glomerular filtration rate decreased the proportion of large, serum creatinine increased the situation may be clinically revealed. So people think that kind of - serum creatinine normal, indicating that the kidney nothing wrong should be corrected.
Uremia when the serum creatinine why high? Suoyu Fen director explained: serum creatinine concentration changes mainly by the glomerular filtration capacity of the decision. Glomerular filtration capacity decreased, creatinine concentration will rise. Serum creatinine above normal means most of the damage to the kidneys, serum creatinine can be more accurate response to renal damage to the situation. When the glomerular filtration rate decreased to normal 1/3, the serum creatinine will be significantly increased. So when people really appear nausea, vomiting, dizziness, in fact, the kidneys have been seriously injured, then the serum creatinine began to rise significantly.
When the high serum creatinine that patients with renal function problems, decreased ability of renal metabolic waste, the body of some harmful toxins can not be normal excreted, so that the urine creatinine decreased. The reason for the low urinary creatinine is that the kidneys are invaded by various etiologies, and the damaged cells of the damaged kidneys are pathological changes that stimulate the transformation of fibroblasts into myofibroblasts and invade and stimulate the intrinsic normal kidneys Tissue, the occurrence of the same lesions, so from the local to the whole, to expand the excitement of the spread, resulting in kidney into the physical injury period, at this time due to kidney damage, the excretion of waste function has been reduced, resulting in creatinine And other toxins gathered in the body, resulting in intravascular creatinine, elevated urea nitrogen, urinary creatinine decreased, decreased renal filtration rate and other performance.
Through the above description, you are on the treatment of uremia, Western medicine is mainly used in dialysis or kidney transplantation treatment, but through years of clinical practice, the two treatment Way side effects, treatment costs, most patients are difficult to accept. The traditional Chinese medicine treatment of uremia has been thousands of years of history, and has formed a unique treatment, treatment has been the recognition of many countries in the world, by the majority of uremic patients favored. Chinese medicine therapy can improve the regulation of human immune function, so that the body has a huge self-repair capacity. At the same time Quyu new, to speed up the body's metabolism and repair capacity, removal of serum creatinine and other immune complexes and metabolites, a fundamental improvement in renal pathological changes, and by protecting the cell membrane, scavenging oxygen free radicals to protect residual kidney units To achieve the effect of stable residual renal function, and eventually achieve the purpose of rehabilitation of uremic patients.
If you are high creatinine is uremia or what questions, please call Beijing Dongcheng Hospital Nephrology Health Hotline: 010-64002699 detailed consultation.

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