Tuesday, August 8, 2017

How to treat proteinuria in the treatment of proteinuria

In our normal urine is not a protein, if the protein is proteinuria, and then we know how the treatment of proteinuria is how, proteinuria is how the matter, what is the symptoms of proteinuria? Let's take a look at the following.

In normal urine only contains a small amount of small molecules of protein, urine examination is generally not check out the case, when the protein increases when the urine will be checked out of proteinuria.

At this point, you must hold a very urgent attitude you want to know how to get the proteinuria in the end, you may be looking for medical around, running around. Vulgar said, "gift roses, hand fragrance". Let us answer the following questions about how to treat proteinuria.

Treatment of proteinuria

Proteinuria is a typical symptom of nephropathy, but the number of leakage of urine protein and can not reflect the severity of nephropathy.

Protein leakage, although less, but this is not to explain the disease occurs on the light, urine, a large number of protein, it can not explain the kidney disease must be serious, these are to check to the conclusion.

In general, proteinuria is divided into selective proteinuria, nonselective proteinuria. Selective proteinuria, protein electrophoresis is characterized by a small molecular weight of the protein-based, such as albumin, α1 globulin, transferrin and γ globulin. Molecular weight of the larger protein, such as α2 globulin, fibrinogen, β-lipoprotein and other content less.

In the small lesions of nephropathy, mild mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis, partial membranous nephropathy and early lesions of membranous proliferative glomerulonephritis and focal segmental sclerosing glomerulonephritis patients, showing more selective proteinuria, indicating a small network of small Ball filter membrane damage lighter.

Non-selective proteinuria, protein electrophoresis is characterized by macromolecules and small molecules of protein at the same time, indicating that the small network of glomerular filtration membrane damage is more serious.

Is it difficult for patients with large amounts of urinary protein to recover?

Kidney disease experts pointed out that the lack of protein, and the severity of the disease is no proportion of the relationship between the kidney disease is not necessarily the urine protein, kidney disease is not necessarily heavy urine protein is not necessarily.

On the contrary, some focal sclerosis nephritis and crescentic glomerulonephritis, the pathological damage is serious, but the daily amount of urine protein may be only a few grams. So the treatment is good or bad, mainly depends on the pathological type of kidney, damage and renal function.

In addition, we should also see whether the patient can cooperate with the doctor, whether attention to prevent the emergence of recurrent incentives such as colds, fatigue, diarrhea, etc., whether to adhere to treatment, whether to avoid the use of nephrotoxic drugs.


Nephritis patients with a large number of proteinuria, generally can be added through the diet, that nephritis patients can not eat protein-containing food point of view is wrong, one-sided, even if the development of chronic nephritis to advanced - uremic patients, Eat high quality low protein diet.

Protein intake should be controlled at 0.6 to 0.8 g / kg body weight

Daily protein intake should be controlled at 0.6 to 0.8 g / kg body weight. Uremic patients, during dialysis treatment, especially for peritoneal dialysis, the amount of protein consumed daily should be increased by about 1.2 to 1.5 g / kg body weight.

Nephrotic syndrome patients, urine loss of a large number of proteins, such as normal renal function, advocate eating high protein diet, to correct hypoproteinemia, reduce edema and improve or enhance the body resistance.

If nephritis patients with azotemia, or early renal insufficiency, it should limit the protein intake. Otherwise it will accelerate the deterioration of renal function. In short, different conditions, should use a different diet recipes.

When a large number of proteinuria in patients with kidney disease, do not have to panic; when a small amount of proteinuria appears, can not be too much to ignore the severity of the disease, the best timely diagnosis of disease, the development of appropriate treatment of proteinuria program. From the perspective of renal pathological damage to complete recovery of renal function, eliminate proteinuria.

The above is about the treatment of proteinuria. In fact, like some other diseases is the case, the need for medication and also need to diet, need to be assisted in all aspects, so as to achieve the desired effect. And also have a good mind, a sunny heart, so maybe we have a greater chance of fighting the disease.

1. Functional proteinuria

Functional proteinuria is a mild (24-hour urine protein quantification generally no more than 0.5 to 1 gram), temporary proteinuria, after the removal of proteinuria quickly disappeared. Often occurs in young adults, can be seen in the spirit of tension, severe cold or heat, long march, strong physical labor, congestive heart failure, eating high protein diet.

2. Postural proteinuria

Morning urine urine protein, wake up after the gradual emergence of proteinuria, standing for a long time, walking or strengthening the lordosis of the spine, the urine protein content increased, 1 hour after the rest of the urine protein content decreased or disappeared, mostly in the slender Body of youth or adult.

Repeated postural proteinuria, need to pay attention to the exception of kidney disease, such as nutcracker phenomenon (also known as left renal vein compression syndrome, is due to aortic and superior mesenteric artery caused by left renal vein).

3. Pathological proteinuria

Proteinuria persistence, urinary protein content is more urine routine examination often associated with hematuria, white blood cells and tubular urine. And may be accompanied by other kidney disease performance, such as high blood pressure, edema and so on. Pathological proteinuria is mainly seen in a variety of glomeruli, tubulointerstitial disease, hereditary nephropathy, renal vascular disease and other kidney disease.

Common such as

(1) primary glomerular disease

① nephritis

Can be occult, acute, rapid or chronic. Often associated with hematuria, hypertension and edema.

② nephrotic syndrome

Accompanied by reduced serum albumin

24 hours urine protein quantitative greater than or equal to 3.5 grams, accompanied by reduced serum albumin, edema, high blood lipids.

③ renal insufficiency

Divided into acute and chronic renal insufficiency. Proteinuria is a manifestation of kidney damage.

(2) secondary glomerular disease

Lupus nephritis

Is systemic lupus erythematosus involving the performance of the kidneys. Women of childbearing age more common. Depending on the severity of kidney involvement, the amount of urine protein can be expressed as a small amount to a large quantity.

② purpura nephritis

Is the performance of allergic purpura kidney involvement. Mainly for hematuria, proteinuria, children more common, adults can also occur. Most of the proteinuria occurred in the purpura after 2 to 4 weeks.

③ diabetic nephropathy

Is a common complication of diabetes, early renal involvement, but urinary urine test can be negative, after the gradual emergence of microalbuminuria, and then developed into a large number of proteinuria, and even end-stage renal disease, renal failure requires dialysis and other treatment.

④ gouty kidney disease

Urine abnormalities appear late and slightly, only mild proteinuria and a small amount of red blood cells. Late can progress to chronic renal failure.

⑤ Hypertensive nephropathy

Essential Hypertension occurred 5 to 10 years after the kidney and other damage. Benign hypertension caused by proteinuria is generally mild to moderate urinary protein (24-hour urine protein quantitative generally not more than 1.5 to 2 grams), rarely a large number of proteinuria.

Conclusion: Through the introduction of the above, presumably for the treatment of urinary protein is also a more comprehensive understanding of it, the number of urine protein and the severity of kidney disease is disproportionate, the patient appears when the urine protein, the last timely Go to the hospital for treatment, so as to timely treatment of urine protein situation.

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