Friday, August 11, 2017

How should kidney disease eat? 3 major dietary mistakes should pay attention to

What are the dietary mistakes in treating kidney diseases? For patients with nephropathy, what to eat and how to eat is very important, because there are some food will increase the burden on the kidneys, cause the disease is more serious, so need to pay attention to diet in patients with nephropathy is what.
Experts say that patients with kidney disease need special attention is that proper eating salt, drink water, eat some low-fat, high quality, low protein, light, digestible food is the best.
Kidney disease should be how to diet, 3 major diet mistakes should pay attention to kidney treatment, diet misunderstanding what?
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Can kidney patients eat meat?
Under normal circumstances, people eat into the body of plant proteins through metabolic changes, and finally become mostly nitrogen waste, excreted by the kidneys. Therefore, eating too much protein containing food will increase the burden on the kidneys. In our daily food, more or less contain protein, including meat, eggs, milk protein and good quality, high utilization in human body, therefore, patients with nephropathy protein intake to animal protein, and also to control, general 3-4 day two meat can.
Patients with kidney disease can not eat salt?
No matter what kind of kidney disease, absolute salt is wrong. When the patient has an apparent edema or high blood pressure, salt intake should be considered in order to avoid heavy sodium retention. When the patient is clinically free of edema or hypertension, there is no limit to the intake of salt.
Can the kidney patient drink the medicated diet soup?
Food is varied, so long as the kidney is functioning properly, the soup is not strictly restricted. Fish, chicken, lean meat, eggs, soup can be, add a little medicinal herbs, as food can also be. For example, dangshen, astragalus, lotus chicken pot, pot meat can be added and spleen, Cordyceps stewed duck can be nourishing the kidney, nourishing yin and clearing pot soil Fuling turtle water etc.. For renal insufficiency, gout patients should pay attention to avoid drinking soup, because the soup contain high purine, detrimental to renal function, may also induce gout.
How should kidney disease eat? What are the following points for diet in patients with kidney disease?:
1, control moisture: for patients with kidney disease, water intake, which is to control, for the early no edema, urine volume for a long time, this should be more water, in order to facilitate the discharge of urea, protein metabolism products. When there is edema in the late stage and less urine, it should be reduced as much as possible, so as not to aggravate the edema.
2, the full complement of vitamins: Vitamin for kidney disease patients, to a large number of supplement, which can help discharge toxins, patients can choose rich in vitamin B, and vitamin C, vitamin E food, and Vegetable & Fruit containing potassium and phosphorus are low, such as cabbage, celery, spinach, cabbage, grape, watermelon, tomato.
3, add high-quality protein metabolism in patients with kidney disease: due to low, but the nutritional supplements should not be less, the protein supplement, milk, eggs, feeding fish, poultry, lean meat and other foods, not only can guarantee the supply of essential amino acids, and can reduce the body of waste heap.
4, to ensure adequate calories: in addition to vitamin supplements to a large number, and that the amount of heat should be sufficient to supplement the usual diet, you can eat more sugar, vitamins, low protein, salt free or low salt food. Common foods are: rice, noodles, vermicelli, lotus root starch. Can also be different ways to eat glucose, honey, fruit juice, fructose, sucrose and so on.
5, to have kidney disease, in the diet life, some food is limited, such as sodium, potassium, magnesium and other minerals intake, patients should not eat pickled vegetables, seafood, pickled products containing high sodium foods, to reduce the burden on the kidneys. Kidney dysfunction often has magnesium retention in the body, so patients should also eat less magnesium rich foods, such as beans, nuts, whole grains, deep green leafy vegetables, chocolate and so on.

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