Saturday, August 12, 2017

Can uremic patients eat sea cucumber?

Sea cucumber contains purine substances, uremia patients metabolic function of the kidney weakened, do not recommend eating sea cucumber.
Uremia actually refers to the body can not produce urine through the kidneys, the body's metabolism of waste and excessive moisture excreted in vitro caused by poisoning. Modern medicine holds that uremia is a complex syndrome resulting from disorders of the internal biochemistry of the organism after the loss of renal function. Instead of an independent disease called renal failure syndrome or renal failure, the term "PIORRY" and "HERITER" was described in 1840 after renal failure.
Common symptoms include loss of appetite, uremia disappeared sensation, apathy, lethargy, decreased urine output, face and leg edema, anemia, skin ulcer and itching, muscle cramps, can sometimes be restless, and even the emergence of epilepsy. Symptoms of uremia can occur slowly and are concealed for long periods of time without being detected. Acute renal failure can occur within a few days with marked uremia symptoms. The uremic syndrome can be varied and not necessarily all symptoms.
When the disease causes severe damage to the kidneys, the kidneys develop lesions and lose the function of purifying the blood. Waste and liquid accumulate in the body. The body produces all sorts of symptoms, that is, uremia. The causes of uremia include chronic glomerulonephritis, chronic pyelonephritis, renal tuberculosis, renal arteriolar sclerosis, urinary calculi, hypertrophy of the prostate, bladder cancer, lupus erythematosus, diabetes mellitus, etc..
Uremia gastrointestinal symptoms appeared, with anorexia, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea, mouth odor of ammonia, also often gum inflammation, oral mucosal ulceration bleeding. The nervous system may have insomnia, irritability, numbness of limbs, burning, late drowsiness and even convulsions, coma. The cardiovascular system can appear hypertension and pericarditis and heart failure caused by precordial pain, palpitations, shortness of breath, abdominal pain, edema, Bu - not supine etc.. Anemia and mucosal bleeding can occur in the blood system. The respiratory system can cause cough and chest pain due to pneumonia and pleurisy. Uremia is a very dangerous disease, which can endanger life if not treated in time.

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