Sunday, July 2, 2017

Prevention of Diabetic Nephropathy

Diabetic nephropathy, diabetic glomerulosclerosis, diabetes is one of the most important microvascular

complications, but also lead to chronic renal failure one of the main reasons.
1 found "more than a little" symptoms (that is, polyuria, polydipsia, eat more, weight loss), should be

promptly to the hospital for treatment, to determine the diabetes, with the doctor to deal with, so as not

to delay the disease.
2 adjust the law of life. Diabetes is a chronic disease, the law of life is very important, in the case of

physical permission, to live on time, is conducive to sugar metabolism.
3 Adhere to the proper movement. Appropriate regular activities is an important means of treatment of

diabetes, can take a variety of activities.
4 pay attention to diet, do not overeating, or can lead to blood sugar, urine sugar great fluctuations,

destruction of the body's balance, eat less greasy and fried food, eat chicken, fish, lean meat, eat more

vegetables, Avoid drinking. In addition, diabetic patients should go out with some snacks and candy, so as

to avoid hypoglycemia.
Drug treatment: Western medicine such as (sugar candy, glibenclamide, metformin, etc.) Although the

hypoglycemic soon, but the Western medicine to add a lot of chemicals, the human body has a lot of side

effects, will cause a lot of complications, such as heart disease, Kidney failure and so on. Chinese

medicine (Hengji Yue Tai capsule) to smooth hypoglycemic, regulate the body immunity. As we all know,

diabetes is caused by the body's pancreatic function problems, and traditional Chinese medicine is able to

repair islets, improve pancreatic secretion and other functions

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