Thursday, July 20, 2017

Impaired renal function

Impaired renal function refers to poor renal function. Western medicine that the kidneys are the secretion of urine, excretion of waste, toxic organs of vital organs. On the human body to regulate the body's electrolyte concentration, to maintain the role of acid-base balance. Renal dysfunction or gradual decline, renal excretion and regulation will also be reduced.

Severe renal damage, but also the occurrence of uremia and life-threatening. In order to protect the kidneys, we have the following "wounded kidney" factors must be alert.
Renal function, with age and gradually decline, but life, some bad habits or behavior, often become an important cause of renal dysfunction. Everyone on the "injury kidney" factors must be alert.
Indiscriminate use of Chinese herbal medicine
Clinically continue to find that taking certain Chinese herbal medicine (including proprietary Chinese medicines) can cause renal damage. Will be "hurt the kidney" of Chinese herbal medicine are: Tripterygium, Guanmutong, aunt, Xanthium, poppy shell, raw grass Ukraine, so gentleman, Aoki, wide defense and so on. Among them, Tripterygium damage caused by the largest kidney, followed by Guanmutong, Guan Mu Tong injury kidney causes, is containing renal toxic substances aristolochic acid.
Abuse of analgesic western medicine
Long-term use or high-dose taking some anti-inflammatory analgesic drugs, such as pain tablets, indomethacin, paracetamol, aspirin, etc., easily lead to kidney damage. Kidney damage can be expressed as: fatigue, dry mouth, loss of appetite, frequent urination, urgency, dysuria, and even hematuria and aseptic pyuria, accompanied by joint pain and other symptoms. Some directly lead to acute nephritis or glomerular necrosis and other nephrotic syndrome, severe cases will lead to renal failure and death.
Often holding back urine
Some people are busy for a long time holding back urine. Urine in the bladder for too long is easy to breed bacteria, bacteria will be retrograde through the ureter to the kidney, leading to urinary tract infection and pyelonephritis. This type of infection once recurrent, can cause chronic infection, not easy to cure. Patients will not only appear back pain, urinary frequency urgency and other symptoms, may also develop into acute uremia.
Drinking too little water
If you do not drink water for a long time, urine output will be reduced, the urine to carry the waste and toxin concentration will increase. Clinical common kidney stones, hydronephrosis and so long and do not drink water is closely related. Full drinking water can dilute the urine, protect the kidneys, is conducive to the full discharge of waste and toxins.
Modern dinner opportunities increase, often eat too much "delicious", the intake of food will eventually produce waste - uric acid and urea nitrogen and so on. Most of these wastes through the kidneys, the diet will undoubtedly increase the burden of the kidney.
Drink too much
Excessive intake of soft drinks and sports drinks will indirectly damage the kidneys. The pH of the body is 7.2, these drinks are generally highly acidic, after drinking the body pH changes significantly. Kidney is the main organ to regulate the body's pH, long-term excessive intake of soft drinks and sports drinks, will bring a burden to the kidney, increasing the probability of kidney damage.
Eat too soft bread
Bread and pastry There is a food additive, potassium bromate, which gives the necessary gluten strength and elasticity to the baked food, and the taste is soft, but excessive consumption can damage the human's central nervous system, blood and kidneys.
Food additives potassium bromate, the International Cancer Research Institute has been classified as carcinogenic substances.
The diet is too salty
Diet salty, especially some snack salt content is too high, such as eating fried potato chips, instant noodles, etc. will make people unknowingly absorb excessive salt, leading to increased blood pressure, kidney blood can not maintain normal flow, and thus induce kidney disease.
Drink drink tea
Some people think that drinking wine can drink wine, in fact, this is not only invalid, but also hurt the kidney. Tea theophylline can quickly affect the kidneys and play a diuretic effect, this time the alcohol has not yet re-decomposition from the kidneys, so that the kidney by a lot of ethanol stimulation, and thus damage the kidney function.
After treatment of the damaged editors
Kidney function refers to the ability of the kidney to work. Renal damage is divided into kidney damage, decreased renal function; the other is refers to the problem of kidney deficiency patients. Your question belongs to the former. Renal function is bad kidney detoxification, urination and other functional damage, that is, renal failure. Impaired renal function is caused by a variety of causes of deterioration of renal damage to the end of the performance, according to the extent of renal damage to renal dysfunction in decompensated; renal insufficiency decompensated period, also known as azotemia; kidney Functional failure period; end stage also known as uremia period. Especially end-stage uremia, the kidneys completely lose their function, it is thought that renal dysfunction.
First of all, patients should go to the regular hospital, under the guidance of a doctor medication, preferably in combination with traditional Chinese and Western medicine treatment. Such as high blood pressure, anemia, if there is to be actively corrected. In the symptomatic treatment at the same time, experts advise the majority of patients with impaired renal function, due to excessive long-term renal responsibility to filter work, many renal cells within the kidney not only damaged, and the kidneys have been in a state of ischemia and hypoxia lesions The Therefore, to solve the "renal function is not good how to do" problem, that is, from the solution of renal ischemia and hypoxia work status, through the treatment of drugs, the expansion of the kidney at all levels of blood vessels, increase the body's effective blood flow, improve the body Blood circulation state. Once the body, including kidney blood flow increased after the kidney's working environment has been improved, which for the next step in the treatment of kidney repair has laid a good external basis. Was recognized by the majority of patients with nephropathy is micro-traditional Chinese medicine infiltration therapy. The use of traditional Chinese medicine active substances can effectively improve renal ischemia, hypoxia, repair damaged kidney cells at the same time, reverse renal function, so that creatinine returned to normal.

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