Friday, August 4, 2017

Polycystic kidney knowledge

Regular inspection: In addition to regular checks, if there is fatigue, high blood pressure symptoms, we must immediately check.
Check items: urine, renal function, kidney B-ultrasound and so on.
Polycystic kidney ultrasound: kidney volume was significantly increased, the size of the kidney within a number of cysts and renal parenchymal echo enhanced. Color Doppler ultrasound performance: kidney wall between the color flow, distribution of clutter. Renal blood flow decreased, resistance index increased.
Polycystic kidney disease: is a common hereditary kidney disease, mainly manifested as bilateral renal cysts of varying sizes, cysts increased, and ultimately destroy the kidney structure and function, leading to end-stage renal failure.
Kidney size: related to individual size. Average adult normal about 10 ~ 12cm long; 5 ~ 7cm wide; 3 ~ 5cm thick.
People's kidneys are located on the sides of the human body on both sides of the spine, left and right one, close to the posterior wall, located in the peritoneum. The upper left kidney and the 11th thoracic vertebra flat, the rear of the 11,12 ribs across the line, the lower end and the second lumbar flush; right kidney and liver adjacent to the upper edge and l2 thoracic flat, Third
lumbar flush, the first 12 ribs across the rear line, the position lower than the left kidney to a vertebral body. Female kidneys are slightly smaller than men.
The main treatment measures: control complications, delay disease progression. Usually pay more attention to rest, avoid smoking, avoid drinking tea, coffee and ethanol drinks, bogey chocolate, high blood pressure when the low-salt diet, late course recommended low-protein diet. Some patients with pain is transient, can be observed first. If pain is sustained or heavier may be analgesic. Strict control of blood pressure can delay renal dysfunction. Hemodialysis patients have been repeated hematuria, should use small molecules or no heparin dialysis. For large bleeding, can be carefully considered angiography.
The current treatment of polycystic kidney disease: mainly to control infection, prevent colds, lower blood pressure, with drugs (including traditional Chinese medicine, Western medicine) can not control the proliferation of cysts, but drugs can help eliminate toxins, reduce the symptoms of uremia. The last approach is bilateral polycystic kidney resection after hemodialysis or kidney transplantation treatment, but requires age can not be too large (generally <60 years), blood pressure in the removal of polycystic kidney after the basic return to normal, no other serious complications and other conditions The
Diet to light: canned and processed foods to minimize consumption. Eat more potassium foods such as bananas and other food. Reduce the intake of meat: reduce the intake of animal protein, can reduce the chance of forming stones. Most patients do not need to change their lifestyle or limit physical activity early. When the cyst is large, should avoid severe physical activity and abdominal damage. Patients should be followed up regularly.
Kidney capsule: mainly used for blood circulation, diuresis and water swelling. For a variety of reasons caused by systemic or local edema, chronic nephritis caused by edema, low back pain, proteinuria, dizziness, fatigue and so on. Can improve the body immunity.
Doctors read: polycystic kidney must be timely control, if the control is not timely there will be more serious illness. Usually Western medicine treatment of polycystic kidney disease is generally selected after 5 cm cysts directly removed, but can not control the growth of surrounding cysts. So the cycle, the consequences are very serious. So it is recommended Chinese medicine treatment, effective control of cysts within a certain range.
(The answer from: Armed Police Corps Hospital, Beijing Department of Nephrology)
In the past, there was no positive treatment for the disease, only the treatment including low-salt and low-protein diet, to avoid excessive vigorous activities, to avoid any infection and trauma, the above measures to protect kidney function is good, but at least the positive significance. In recent years, has been diagnosed early cases, often take decompression surgery, received a certain effect. When there is obstruction, stones, infection, severe crush symptoms, surgery must be considered, such as the lifting of obstruction, remove the stones, drainage infection, cut the cysts decompression surgery. The poor prognosis of the disease in the past in adult cases found that the disease, the average survival time in the 10 years in the right, and the survival of uremia after the life, often no more than 5 years. Now on the early cases, the active use of decompression surgery, the use of dialysis or renal transplantation in advanced cases, the prognosis of the past greatly improved.
Polycystic kidney what single prescription:
Sea cuttlebone 30g, madder 15g, donkey-hide gelatin (molten) 15g. With water decoction, one day a day.
Peach kernel 6g, rhubarb 5g, mirabilite 10g, Zhigancao 3g, Guizhi 5g, raw Puhuang (package) 10g, white shepherd's cauliflower 30g, lotus leaf 10g. With water decoction, one day a day.
Leech powder 1.5g, soap pod powder 1.5g. Each time the two drugs 1.5g, serving two times a day, 3 months for a course of treatment.
Poria 18g, Atractylodes, Alisma, Polyporus, Codonopsis, dried tangerine peel 12g, Guizhi, citrus aurantium each 10g, red peony, Coix Seed 30g, Zhigancao, jujube the 6g. With water decoction, one day a day.
To avoid severe physical activity and abdominal trauma, kidney enlargement to avoid tight belt to prevent cyst rupture.
Active control of hypertension and other complications and prevention and treatment of infection, protection of renal function, delay uremia arrival. In the presence of uremia, dialysis and renal transplantation can be performed.
Diet to be light and full of nutrition, eat cold or tired or spicy stimulation of the goods. Hypertension need to limit salt, renal insufficiency when the need to limit / protein intake.
Women should always pay attention to genital hygiene, prevention of urinary tract infection.
Women suffering from polycystic kidney disease, if the kidney function is normal, and no high blood pressure, can be successfully passed the pregnancy, but some patients in the late pregnancy can occur high blood pressure. If there is renal insufficiency before pregnancy or high blood pressure, the pregnancy process sinister.
Poor men with poor prognosis, poor prognosis of the early poor. Other factors that can be controlled by the prognosis of the factors of hypertension, the number of pregnancies, secondary urinary tract infection frequency. In the absence of dialysis and kidney transplantation, the disease patients with symptoms, especially renal dysfunction, can only survive 10 years, about 3 years every year, increased serum creatinine, that is, blood creatinine removal rate decreased by half. But if the serum creatinine never rose, and no stones, infection and severe high blood pressure, you can survive 30 to 40 years. Dialysis or renal transplantation of polycystic

kidney disease, the basic life and other dialysis and kidney transplant patients similar.

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