Sunday, August 6, 2017

Polycystic kidney disease can always do not care about the recent abdominal pain, back pain, lack of body ...

Polycystic kidney disease can not cure the recent general feeling uncomfortable abdominal pain, back pain, general weakness of the polycystic kidney can not cure the recent general feeling unable to heartache, back pain, malaise, please help you tell me can not rule ah attention What?
What is the importance of daily rehabilitation and rehabilitation for patients with polycystic kidney disease that are more common in patients with polycystic kidney disease than in patients with congenital hereditary diseases is much better than the clinical short-term treatment of cystic congestion in patients with polycystic kidney disease is a multi-factor co-promotion The results of polycystic kidney disease patients must be more attention to these incentives to control their own condition to delay the progression of the disease should usually prevent the prevention of colds to prevent trauma control good blood pressure control diet: polycystic kidney disease patients with reasonable treatment diet control of renal progression Very important to use low-salt diet 2 to 3 grams of salt per day should eat less potassium, phosphorus diet to low protein, low fat diet, eat more rich in vitamins and plants crude fiber diet to keep the stool

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