Monday, August 7, 2017

How to prevent the development of nephritis?

Glomerulonephritis Glomerulonephritis, referred to as nephritis, is the most common and severe type of kidney disease. Many diseases can cause nephritis, different causes caused by different treatment. In China, nephritis is the main cause of uremia, 70% of uremia caused by nephritis. So, how can effective prevention and treatment of nephritis, to prevent the development of uremia it? The key is to clear the cause of early, accurate judgments of the disease, active and effective treatment, long-term follow-up. The premise of early clear nephropathy nephropathy in primary and secondary two major categories, a large number of proteinuria called nephrotic syndrome. Primary glomerulonephritis refers to the glomerular inflammation itself, is divided into two kinds of acute and chronic, chronic nephritis is also divided into a variety of pathological types, IgA nephropathy is the most common. Secondary nephritis refers to the body parts of the disease caused by nephritis. Almost all diseases of the body can cause nephritis, and kidney disease is often the most important factors to determine the severity of the disease, such as systemic lupus erythematosus and vasculitis. Common diseases that cause nephritis include autoimmune diseases such as lupus erythematosus, vasculitis, rheumatoid arthritis, Sjogren's syndrome; allergic purpura; infections such as tonsillitis, hepatitis, especially hepatitis B; various tumors; some drugs The To find out the cause of so many diseases, you must fully understand the various manifestations of the disease, targeted examination, if necessary, need to be renal biopsy, and sometimes missed a very inconspicuous details, it will lead to errors Diagnosis, delay the treatment of the disaster. Important to accurately determine the disease clearly after the etiology must also accurately determine the severity of the disease, which depends on the degree of proteinuria and hematuria, with or without hypertension and renal damage, and the most important is often the degree of renal pathological changes, such as IgA nephropathy and lupus nephritis can be divided into a number of subtypes according to the degree of pathological changes, the treatment is mainly based on pathological subtypes. Therefore, renal biopsy for the etiology of nephritis diagnosis, determine the disease and determine the treatment program is very important. Systemic lupus erythematosus proteinuria, hematuria or renal dysfunction, almost all need for renal biopsy, because it can most directly reflect the nature and extent of kidney disease. Key creatinine high = uremia? Nephritis pathogenesis is multifaceted, some of the early disease plays a major role in the immune inflammation, so the need to inhibit inflammation, according to different diseases and the degree of disease to select appropriate drugs, including hormones And immunosuppressive agents. Hormones and immune agents are all Western medicine treatment, although a certain effect, but its side effects can not be ignored, so doctors should be careful when using clinical medication, to accurately understand the disease and then decide whether to use hormones and the amount and time, To achieve the best results, while the side effects to a minimum. In addition, some diseases and some diseases of some types of hormones only with poor efficacy, but also need to add other immunosuppressive agents, these drugs more varieties, in recent years there have been new drugs come out, but have some side effects. At present, experts are studying Chinese medicine treatment of kidney disease effective way and method. Of course, the occurrence and development of nephritis in the process there are many factors play an important role, such as oxidation, coagulation, glomerular hypertension, to Chinese medicine treatment at the same time, with Western medicine symptomatic treatment, integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine, and scientific Diet control, appropriate exercise and other methods from all aspects of control of the disease. The only way to achieve the best therapeutic effect. Long-term follow-up In addition to acute nephritis and other individual circumstances, most of the nephritis is chronic disease, the need for long-term treatment and follow-up, the main purpose of three. First, the disease relapse when the timely treatment. Some patients in the course of drug withdrawal or withdrawal after exacerbations, and some in the withdrawal and stable disease for several years or even decades after the recurrence. Second, the condition changes in time to adjust the treatment program. The pathogenesis of nephritis is complex, and the effects of different mechanisms on different stages of disease are different. The role of a drug at different stages may also be different. Therefore, the application of drugs under the guidance of a specialist, can not have the slightest sloppy. Third, nephritis patients with high sensitivity to many adverse stimuli, medication in particular need to be careful, because some drugs are often toxic to the kidneys, mainly cold medicine, painkillers, antipyretics, some antibiotics and traditional Chinese medicine. In addition, colds, pneumonia, tonsillitis and diarrhea may also cause nephritis or exacerbations. When the above situation should appear to the renal clinic. Do not chronic nephritis when acute

Acute nephritis more common in children, after treatment in more than a year recovery. And most of the chronic nephritis if not active treatment will continue to increase the disease, and even evolved into uremia. Therefore, such as chronic nephritis misdiagnosed as acute nephritis, the consequences will be disastrous. But in fact this situation often occurs, just the last two years of "nephritis and renal puncture follow-up clinic", we have encountered nearly 100 cases of such patients. Some patients with chronic nephritis after treatment can be stable for a long time, during which all the urine and blood tests can be normal, then it is likely to be mistaken for acute nephritis cured. So to remind you, you or your family and friends, such as had had "acute nephritis", then please do a kidney check carefully.

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