Friday, August 4, 2017

How does kidney disease affect our lives?

How does kidney disease affect our lives? If people have kidney disease, then their own life and work will have a great impact, how can we have a good account of it? Chronic nephritis so that patients with decreased resistance, easily lead to this or that disease, to the patient's life to bring some impact,First of all, patients with chronic nephritis prone to the respiratory tract, urinary tract and skin infections, patients often appear fatigue phenomenon, treatment is more difficult, usually should be noted that if not often lead to acute exacerbation of chronic nephritis, endanger the lives of patients.
Second, chronic nephritis will cause patients with renal anemia, reduced red blood cell damage increased, patients with hematuria, increased anemia symptoms. At the same time, the late emergence of renal parenchymal damage, leading to renal failure in patients with uremic toxins. Endanger patient life.
Finally, chronic nephritis in patients with hypertension, chronic nephritis renal dysfunction, often so that patients with severe cardiovascular complications, such as cardiomyopathy, heart failure, pericarditis and atherosclerosis and other diseases, endanger the lives of patients.
Author of the authority of kidney disease expert Zhao Zhongxian said that for kidney disease, we do not be timid, it is not a disease can not be cured, we just put right attitude, positive face and actively cooperate with the doctor's treatment, it will be out of kidney disease our life.

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