Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Dietary considerations in patients with renal failure

Dietary regulation in patients with renal failure is a very important part of the treatment principle. When the kidney function fails, the urine toxin can not be excreted, and the symptoms of poisoning caused by accumulation in the blood (that is, uremia) can also lead to excessive hydrogen, sodium and potassium ions in the body. The control plan of the diet, on patients with chronic renal failure is a basic treatment, can reduce urinary toxins produced by the body, but also maintain the lowest nutrient requirement and electrolyte balance, however, this is a challenge to the patients themselves and the family to work hard to overcome, because often need to give up some satisfy their appetites food. Clinically, we often see cases of worsening or even death due to improper diet.
So, what exactly should the kidney failure eat?
The principle of diet control: 1, ruanshi should avoid hard food and fried food 2 diet should be light, avoid spicy spicy food. 3 adequate protein intake; adequate intake of 4 calories; 5 pay attention to the control of water and salt (sodium intake); 6 avoid containing high potassium and high phosphorus foods.
Ruanshi should avoid hard food and fried food
In patients with chronic renal failure due to toxins resulting in blood microcirculation and stay in the body and gastrointestinal mucosa are usually hyperemia, erosion, if eating hard foods, fried foods such as sugar, fried sesame cake doughnuts, often causing food in the stomach through the blood vessels and cause bleeding.
Diet should be light, avoid spicy spicy food
The gastrointestinal mucosa of chronic renal failure and uremia patients is often hyperemia and erosion. Such as eating chili, white wine and other stimulating foods, often exacerbate the gastrointestinal mucosa erosion, which leads to the infiltration of blood vessels in the stomach lining.
High protein intake
Patients with renal failure, need to limit intake of protein, in order to reduce the burden on the kidney, but if you eat less, the consumption of muscle and visceral organs of the body, so must have the right and sufficient "quantity" and "quality" of the protein content should be 1 kg per day to 1.2 grams, intake of animal protein take food, quality and physiological high value such as: milk, eggs, meat.
For plant protein in vivo utilization rate is low, the metabolism of more nitrogenous waste, so can not be any food, such as legumes (beans, mung beans, peas, beans, soybeans, soy products (Wan Douren), Dried tofu, tofu, Soybean Milk), gluten products (gluten, gluten, flour intestines). Drupe (melon seeds, peanuts, walnuts, cashews, Su Zi etc.). A vegetarian because of essential amino acids of soybean products and cereals contain enough to improve the vegetarian protein utilization rate, the food must be together collocation edible, can play a complementary effect; it is best to eat cake is appropriate. Collected 24 hours urine and blood tests, creatinine clearance rate (Ccr) to represent the renal function, the unit for a few milliliters per minute (ml/min), according to the degree of decline and dialysis or not, as the protein intake standard.
Eating dogs, sheep, meat, beef and other products should be cautious Chinese believe that dog meat, mutton and beef as volatiles, easy to cause disease recurrence or exacerbation, remains to be seen, however, chronic renal failure or to not eating meat products such as well.
Take enough calories
In limiting protein intake, in order to avoid the lack of calorie intake, will increase the production of nitrogen waste, can eat more calories and protein very low food to supplement. Vegetable oil (such as soybean, peanut oil), low protein starch (such as: Elizabeth, whiting, lotus root starch,) and sugar (such as sugar, honey, ginger, sugar, fruit sugar), with the production of a variety of delicious snacks, the calorie intake per day per kg of body weight 30 to 40 calories, so as not to lose weight too much.
Be careful with moisture control
When kidney failure and reduce urination, water will accumulate in the body, the cardiovascular system load increases, there will be no vitality, body weight gain, edema, cough, shortness of breath, lie down and hematocrit (Hct) decreased, and the complications of hypertension, heart failure, pericardial inflammation, and dialysis due to dehydration, too much, prone to headache, vomiting, muscle cramps, nausea and other imbalance syndrome. Daily weight gain was less than one kilogram, while drinking water was 500~700 milliliters (ML) of the previous day's total urine volume. If the amount of urine the day before is 500ml, then 500cC + 500 ml = 1000 to 1200ml is the amount of water that can be drunk all day long, including boiled water, porridge, milk, soup and drinks. Avoid drinking too much water can water gargle, chewing gum or squeeze a bit of lemon juice to reduce the feeling of thirst, as far as possible will be taking time to eat soup, reduce the amount of water.
Pay attention to the control of salt
Unable to discharge water, salt can cause renal failure, edema and hypertension. With a day should not exceed 5 grams of edible salt. 1 grams (1/5 tea soup), salt = 6 / 5, tea soup, soy sauce = 1 tea soup, monosodium glutamate, so the above seasoning contains salt, do not arbitrarily add; can use sugar, onions, ginger, garlic and so on to improve the taste. And should limit the high sodium food, such as processing canned food, pickled tobacco products, pickles, pickles, pickles and instant food. If the appetite is not good, do not need to eat salt, nutrition as the premise, until a good appetite, after having enough nutrition again limit salt.
Beware of potassium ion too high
Because potassium ions can not be discharged by serious damage to the kidney, cause hyperkalemia, may cause finger numbness, fatigue, weakness, chest pain, stiff tongue, difficulty speaking, loss of consciousness, severe arrhythmia or cardiac arrest. Including the reasons of hyperkalemia: 1. dialysis insufficiency; 2. had no appetite; 3. constipation; high potassium intake of 4. food, high potassium content of vegetables, can be peeled and cut into small pieces, with plenty of water for 3 ~ 5 minutes to salvage, then to the oil mix or stir fry; potassium content of coffee, tea, spices and herbs the juice made high hyperkalemia.
High potassium vegetables: green leafy vegetables (such as spinach, amaranth, spinach, lettuce), mushrooms, seaweed, kelp, carrot, potato.
High potassium fruits: bananas, tomatoes, dates, oranges, oranges, mango, persimmon, muskmelon, grapefruit, Carambola (easy to burp), it is recommended that each with a fruit weight, about 1 / 6.
Low potassium fruit: pineapple, papaya, watermelon, water pear, strawberry, lemon and so on, but also should not eat a lot.
Maintain balance between calcium and phosphorus
Calcium and phosphorus are important minerals in the body, and the two maintain good growth of the bones and teeth and enable the muscles and nerves to function properly. Calcium deficiency, should eat milk, calcium and vitamin D, can reduce the occurrence of continued hyperparathyroidism. Phosphorus exists in all protein foods, if there is sufficient nutrition, but also reduce the phosphorus absorption, only when eating at the same time that taking aluminum hydroxide, calcium carbonate phosphate binder to combine food phosphorus. Note: high phosphorus foods and products (whole grains such as brown rice, germinated rice, whole wheat bread), offal (liver, kidney and brain), nuts (peanuts, cashews, walnuts) and butter products (Hua Shengjiang), chocolate, egg yolk, milk, dairy products intake.
Eat less aluminum and purine food, avoid aluminum poisoning and gout
High aluminum diet: 1. tea; 2. cheese; 3. tea cake; 4.; 5. in containers made of aluminum cooking.
High purine diet: 1. gravy; 2. lentils; 3. concentrated broth; 4. lean meat, duck 5.; brain; 6. mushroom; 7. viscera (liver, kidney, heart); 8. sardines; 9. eel; 10. asparagus.

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