Monday, August 7, 2017

Can nephrotic syndrome be cured?

As a kidney doctor, often a lot of patients with nephrotic syndrome asked a question: "nephrotic syndrome can be cured?" Now I have to sort out this issue to help you solve this problem of confusion.

It should be said that this question is indeed more difficult to answer. At present, the treatment of nephrotic syndrome is the status quo: for the treatment of nephrotic syndrome are mostly Western medicine treatment. Most of the drugs used to control urinary protein, urinary occult blood, such as hormones, cyclophosphamide, tripterygium polyglycoside, cyclosporine A, myrtle, etc., will destroy the glomerular basement membrane loopholes blocked, so that control the protein Leakage, so the protein index has also been controlled. The protein is overcast. Is this sick? In fact, these people in the face of colds, infections and other predisposing factors, the disease will be repeated attacks, increasing, and ultimately the development of renal failure, embarked on a lifelong dialysis road. And only a small part of the patients, they chose a different treatment, the results of kidney disease slowly recovered, then how they are cured?

We all know that the main manifestations of nephrotic syndrome is the urine protein and occult blood, the following we first analyze the protein and occult blood is how come, it is due to systemic immune system, endocrine disorders, changes in the environment, self-healing force and other systems and The destruction of tissues and organs of the disorder, resulting in destructive substances and immune complex deposition in the glomeruli and primary disease caused by renal vascular sclerosis, and thus renal parenchymal destruction, glomerular sclerotherapy, fibrosis, renal blood vessels Lesions ischemia, the glomerular basement membrane permeability increased or broken damage, thus forming a urine protein and urinary occult blood. If you want to treat the kidneys, you must first remove these destructive substances. If you start from the repair basement membrane loopholes, it is bound to be destructive substances and immune complexes remain in the glomerular internal, this method is obviously palliative.

If you simply use drugs to control urinary protein and other indicators, although it is from the surface of the disease has been controlled, urinary protein, occult blood temporarily reduced or disappeared, most patients think that the condition improved. No longer continue to treat, so continue to live according to the original law. So after a period of time, when the encounter factors such as colds, infections, etc., will relapse. This time was left in the glomerular destruction of the material within a moment did not stop the damage to the kidneys, so the disease relapse once again increased, when the progress of renal failure to uremia, the loss of the best treatment time. You should be able to see the consequences of conventional treatment of kidney disease, it is why so many patients with kidney disease more and more serious reasons.

According to the principle of urinary protein, urinary occult blood generation, we can see that the idea of ​​completely cure nephrotic syndrome, control urine protein and occult blood, from the production of urinary protein must control and intervention in each link, to seize the root cause of treatment The So the treatment of nephropathy must choose the right way, must be things along the development of the law, the first sparse blocking.

And complex can think that kidney disease treatment to go through three stages:

The first stage is the pathological stage of treatment, then use the role of drugs to enhance the permeability of the basement membrane, rather than repair loopholes, will facilitate the immune complex discharge, then the protein and cells will be some of the discharge, so the urine Protein and occult blood may increase. And destructive substances will be discharged from the urine, with the naked eye will see the urine turbidity, and some floc, as well as sediment.

The second stage, is the pathological repair and functional improvement phase. Through the continuous discharge of destructive substances, glomerular sclerosis, blood perfusion significantly improved. The improvement of glomerular filtration rate can be seen by ECT test.

The third stage is the clinical improvement stage, this time the destructive material has been basically discharged, the glomerular basement membrane is slowly being repaired, so put the urine protein, urine red blood cells blocked in the internal, so the urine is completely negative The

Patients with general conditions of treatment after these three stages, will slowly recover. But if you want to completely recover without recurrence, but also need to intervene in the way of life and mind, the law of life, etc., to establish the correct values ​​and reasonable way of life. So that the instinct of their body gradually restored, so to prevent the possibility of recurrence. If the nephrotic syndrome using this method to treat it, I believe there is still a complete cure of hope.

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