Monday, July 3, 2017

Vigilance "silent killer" chronic kidney disease

"Chronic kidney disease --- silent killer" is not alarmist. According to the latest statistics, the current population of kidney disease in the world has more than 500 million, chronic kidney disease has become a global public health problem. China's situation is extremely grim, in order to promote the whole society on the understanding of kidney disease, the International Society of Nephrology, the International Kidney Foundation jointly proposed in March each year on the second Thursday set as "World Kidney Day" to inspire the world To curb the common efforts of chronic kidney disease.
The end of chronic kidney disease is chronic renal failure (uremia), this stage only rely on dialysis (hemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis) or kidney transplantation to maintain life. At present, more than 1 million people around the world rely on dialysis to survive, and an average annual rate of 8% growth. Moreover, the incidence of chronic kidney disease also showed a younger trend. Unfortunately, in the global chronic kidney disease rising at the same time, the public awareness of the disease prevention and treatment is generally lacking.
Kidney disease is a silent killer
Nephrotic disease usually does not have symptoms, when the destruction of renal function is greater than 75%, the patient will appear fatigue, nausea, vomiting, bloating, anorexia, high blood pressure, mouth urine, dark skin and hair dry. At this time people will go to the hospital to see a doctor, but often do not know which to see the Branch, the appetite is not good to see the Department of Gastroenterology, anemia to the Department of Blood, very few people think of a kidney problem. Therefore, many patients with renal failure have been misdiagnosed, misdiagnosed detours, until the kidney medical treatment, and ultimately only through hemodialysis, peritoneal dialysis or kidney transplantation to maintain life. In fact, the incidence of renal failure is not sudden, but the patient did not care about it.
Chronic kidney disease is more concealed than other major diseases that endanger human health, and most patients do not have obvious symptoms when they start, and are therefore less likely to attract attention. In addition, China's medical resources are limited, many people, especially in rural areas, the lack of regular physical examination, and even if the physical examination, some units only do renal ultrasound, many chronic kidney disease was missed, which is caused by kidney disease is not easy to be found early The
Early manifestations of chronic kidney disease
These conditions may be the signal of early kidney disease, should be timely medical treatment: urine foam and more, do not disappear for a long time, that urine excreted protein more; urine discoloration, was thick brown, washed meat samples, soy sauce or turbidity such as rice Water, indicating that there may be red blood cells or white blood cells; urine too much or too little; nocturia increased, normal people within 60 years of age should generally have nocturia, if young people increase in nocturia, is likely to be early kidney dysfunction Performance; morning to get up after the eyelids or facial edema; no clear reason for the back pain and so on.
There are many factors of kidney disease, some with the genetic, but more with other diseases and lifestyle. For those without symptoms of asymptomatic high risk groups (such as suffering from high blood pressure, diabetes, gout, hyperlipidemia), it is best to check more than once a year urine routine, if found to have proteinuria, hematuria and other issues should be further To do renal function tests and other items, and specialist treatment, follow-up follow-up; Second, the diagnosis of kidney disease has been regularly checked and specialist treatment, follow-up. Through the screening of asymptomatic high-risk groups, early chronic kidney disease can be found in patients. Especially in the early stages of chronic kidney disease, interventions can effectively slow the progress of kidney disease.

Prevention of chronic kidney disease
Chronic kidney disease is not an incurable disease, especially early kidney disease, can improve the way of life, and actively control the disease, so that the condition is well under control. Many patients found that after the decline in renal function into a lot of misunderstanding, especially fear, always thinking about "how long can I live" "I was not to dialysis," "I can work, exercise," some illness Surgery, resulting in irreversible renal function damage. In fact, even if the kidney disease, after appropriate treatment, deterioration of renal function can be avoided, and some patients can even reverse kidney function. Know that they had kidney disease, first of all, to recognize that they have changed, but at the same time to be clear, can still live like a normal person, and have a very good quality of life. So, to pay attention to the disease, but do not be intimidated by the disease. Second, to master the corresponding knowledge, kidney disease is usually a lifetime of disease, we have to learn to coexist with the disease, to avoid high blood pressure, high protein diet, infection, indiscriminate medication and other risk factors.

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