Monday, July 17, 2017

Renal Failure Secondary to Type 2 Diabetes: What Can I Do to Control It Well

“I have renal failure secondary to type 2 Diabetes. What can I do to control it well?” If you have the similar doubt as this patient, go on reading. We will help you prevent further kidney damage.
First of all, you should stabilize your blood sugar level.
To lower your high blood sugar level, your kidneys have to work hard to filter the blood. Long-term overwork will cause damage to your kidneys. Therefore, to prevent your disease from worsening, you should bring down your high blood sugar level. Besides medications, you should pay attention to food and exercises.
Second, you should set up a good blood environment for kidney self-healing.
The damaged kidneys can still repair themselves and regain their ability to certain extent with proper treatment. In our hospital, Toxin-Removing Treatment is often used. It combines a variety of Chinese medicine therapies, such as Medicated BathFoot BathCycle Therapy, Steam Therapy, etc. They can remove massive waste products including excess sugar from body to make internal environment clean. They can also activate blood circulation to remove stasis so as to make blood circulation fluent, and then oxygen, nutrients and active ingredients of medicine can be transported into damaged kidneys to speed up kidney recovery. Besides, they can lower high blood cholesterol level and regulate blood sugar level. After about one week’s treatment, there will be floccules in urine, which are the waste products passed out of body. After half month’s treatment, your high creatinine level will go down. Your high blood sugar level will decrease and be stable. After about one month’s treatment, associated symptoms such as swelling,proteinuria, weakness and so on will get relieved. And your kidney condition will get improved as well.
Renal failure secondary to type 2 diabetes is very difficult to treat. If you do not want to do dialysis or kidney transplant, please start treatment as early as possible. For more information on our hospital and our treatment, please leave a message below or contact online doctor.

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