Friday, July 7, 2017

Chronic kidney disease has six high-risk groups

Kidney is like the body's sewage treatment plant, responsible for the removal of toxic substances and metabolic wastes. People eat food, especially animal protein, will produce metabolic waste, if not clear in time will be stacked up to harm the human body. Once the kidney is a problem, it may be suffering from certain chronic kidney disease and the risk of converting to uremia. Chronic kidney disease has six high-risk groups Chronic kidney disease has six high-risk groups According to statistics, the incidence of kidney disease in China is 10% to 13%, about 100 million patients in the country. Children, young adults, the elderly and so may be wrapped around chronic kidney disease. Chronic kidney disease has six high-risk groups: diabetic patients, especially in a long time, long-term poor control of blood glucose; hypertensive patients, especially long-term poor blood pressure control; metabolic diseases such as obesity, high cholesterol, Uric acid and other patients; family history of kidney disease, such as the immediate family members suffering from polycystic kidney disease; 65 years old or older; long-term service of kidney poisoning drug population. In addition to high-risk groups, if life is too salty to eat, drink less, often holding back urine and other bad habits, may also induce chronic kidney disease. Only 12.5% ​​of patients knew they were ill Kidney disease is a secret "killer". According to the glomerular filtration rate from high to low, chronic kidney disease can be divided into one to five. Before the fourth period, the patient may not feel at all, only to the renal function damage more than 75% when there will be anemia, nausea, fatigue and other symptoms. Data show that only 12.5% ​​of patients know that they suffer from chronic kidney disease, most patients missed the best treatment time. In fact, some of the early signals sent by the body can help us to be vigilant. 1. bubble urine increased; 2. urine redness or urine test red blood cells increased; 3. no increase in the number of nocturnal enuresis, if more than 3 times a night, it is necessary to attract attention; 4. eyelid and lower extremity often edema, may be nephritis The early performance; 5. Blood pressure, high pressure more than 140 mm Hg, low pressure more than 90 mm Hg; 6. Urinary frequency, urgency, dysuria may also be an early signal of chronic kidney disease.

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