Saturday, November 18, 2017

Creatinine 2.63 how to do in kidney failure

Creatinine 2.63 What does it mean in kidney failure What is creatinine 2.63 means kidney failure? Renal failure is a common kidney disease in people of all countries in the world. More and more people cause renal failure due to many factors. High creatinine is a common sign of renal failure, but most patients do not know why they get high creatinine. In the following article, we will get the answer.

Creatinine is a waste of muscle metabolism, and meat intake can also produce creatinine in the blood. Creatinine is mainly excreted by the kidneys. When normal renal function or renal function over 50%, can effectively filter creatinine, normal creatinine level

- Male 54-106 umol / L or 0.6-1.2 mg / dl

Female 44-97 umol / L or 0.5-1.1 mg / dl

Then we can know that creatinine 2.63 is much higher than normal, which means that the kidneys are seriously damaged and the remaining kidney function is less than 50%. Therefore, high creatinine level is often considered an indicator of renal function.

In patients with renal failure with creatinine 2.63, there is a significant accumulation of toxins and waste in the blood. Patients may experience nausea, vomiting, pruritus, loss of appetite, severe swelling and high blood pressure. All of these are very dangerous to patients with renal failure with creatinine 2.63. If not treated early, it will quickly enter a more serious stage, to dialysis or kidney transplant life and prolong life expectancy.

Therefore, for the high creatinine 2.63 in patients with renal failure, timely and effective treatment is very important and necessary. Because of high creatinine is mainly due to severe renal impairment and renal dysfunction, so the treatment should be to repair damaged kidney tissue, improve renal function as the goal.

If you still have questions after reading or if you want specific treatments for kidney failure and creatinine 2.63, you can consult an on-call doctor, or you can leave a message below. Our doctor on duty will contact you as soon as possible.

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